[Last update: 20 Jan. 2025.]
[Total entries: 31.]
De quatuor artibus popvlaribus, de philologia, et scientiis mathematicis ,cui Operi subjungitur chronologia mathematicorum, libri tres.
4°, Amstelaedami, 1650.

Book III of this work is entitled: De scientiis mathematicis, and contains incomplete, but sometimes interesting, information on the history of astronomy.
Historia matheseos universae, a mundo condito ad saeculum p. C. n. XVI, praecipuorum mathematicorum vitas, dogmata, scripta et manuscripta complexa. Accedit recensio elementorum, compendiorum et operum mathematicorum atque historia arithmetices ad nostra tempora.
4°, Lipsiae, 1742.

Astronomy is in lib. I, cap. 4-19, p. 54-401. The biographical and bibliographical part is interesting, but there is little order in the implementation of the materials.
Histoire des mathématiques, Dans laquelle on rend compte de leurs progrès depuis leur origine jusqu’à nos jours; où l’on expose le tableau et le développement des principales découvertes dans toutes les parties des mathématiques, les contestations qu’elles on fait naître, et les principaux traits de la vie des Mathématiciens les plus célebres.
2 Vols. 4°, Paris, 1758.

Other editions:
Histoire des mathématiques, Dans laquelle on rend compte de leurs progrès depuis leur origine jusqu’à nos jours; où l’on expose le tableau et le développement des principales découvertes dans toutes les parties des mathématiques, les contestations qui se sont élevées entre les mathématiciens et les principaux traits de la vie des plus célèbres.
4 vols. 4°, Paris, year VII [1799]-1802; edition completed by J. J. de Lalande.

Here, in the latest edition, are the articles that interest the astronomer:
Vol. I, 1799: Part. I, book II, No. 4-9, Origin of astronomy and ancient spheres, p. 50-93; book III, nos. 4-8, Astronomy of the Greeks, p. 105-122; book IV, n° 4, Aristarchus of Samos, p. 218; No. 9, Hipparchus, p. 257; book V, No. 3, Ptolemy, p. 293. – Part. II, book I, n°s 1-6, Astronomy among the Arabs, p. 351-371; book III, nos. 1-7, Astronomy in India, p. 424-447; book IV, nos. 2-8, Chinese Astronomy, p. 450-480. – Part. III, book I, No. 1, Astronomy of the Romans, p. 482; No. 5, Alphonsus, p. 508; book II, nos. 3-5, Purbach, Regiomontanus and Walther, p. 538-547; book IV , nos. 1-13, Astronomy in the 16th century, pp. 621-687.
Vol. II, 1799: Part. IV, book IV, no. 2, Invention of the telescope, p. 228; book V, nos. 1-11, Astronomy in the 17th century, pp. 269-346; book IX, nos. 1-14, Astronomy in the latter part of the 17th century, pp. 548-647.
Vol. IV, 1802: Part V, book V, Nos. 1-12, Planetary Astronomy, Stars, Eclipses, pp. 1-125; book VI, Nos. 1-12, Physical Astronomy, the Causes and Calculations Dependent on It, pp. 126-300; book VII, Nos. 1-7, Tables, Ephemerides, Observatories and Their Instruments, pp. 301-380; book IX, Nos. 3, 4 and 6, Nautical Astronomy, pp. 531-553 and 568.
Geschichte der Mathematik (by J. I. Berghaus).
4°, Leipzig, 1803.
The first volume only; this translation was not continued.

Histoire des progrès de l’esprit humain dans les sciences exactes et dans les arts qui en dépendent.
4 vols. 8°, Paris, 1766-78.

Geschichte der Mathematik seit der Wiederherstellung der Wissenschaften bis an das Ende des achtzehnten Jahrhunderts.
4 vols. 8°, Göttingen, 1796-1800.

Here is what is of direct interest to the astronomer in this work:
Vol. II, 1797: Sect. IX, pp. 306-693, the history of astronomy up to the end of the 16th century.
Vol. IV, 1800: pp. 84-514, the continuation of the history of astronomy, in particular celestial maps (p. 91), ephemerides (p. 111), theoretical research (p. 116), the first discoveries by telescope (p. 126), sunspots (p. 136), selenography (p. 156), Galileo (p. 173), Kepler (p. 216), Kepler’s successors (p. 425), Gassendi (p. 474).
= Göttingische Anzeigen, 1796, 849; 1797, 1945.
Essai sur l’Histoire générale des mathématiques.
2 vols. 8°, Paris, 1802.

Other editions:
2 vols. 8°. Paris, 1810.

2 vol. 8°, Paris, 1818.
Astronomy is Période I, ch 5, t. I, p. 91-172.

Quadro dei progressi delle matematiche dalla loro origine sino a nostri giorni, traduzione del franceze con annotazioni (by [A. Mozzoni]).
8°, in Italia, 1793.
Excerpt from the Histoire des mathématiques, then still unpublished, by Bossut.

Saggio sulla storia generale delle matematiche (byA. Mozzoni), con riflessioni ed aggiunte di Gregorio Fontana.
4 vols. 8°, Milano, 1802-03.

General history of mathematics, from the earliest times to the middle of the XVIIIth century (by J. Bonnycastle).
8°, London, 1803.

Versuch einer allgemeinen Geschichte der Mathematik (by N. T. Reimer).
2 vols. 8°, Hamburg, 1804.

Addizioni e supplementi al Saggio sulla storia generale delle matematiche di C. Bossut.
8°, Milano, 1803; part of volume IV of the Italian translation of Bossut’s Histoire des mathématiques.

Of these 18 notices, the following relate to astronomy: N° 4, Inverisimiglianza degli specchj a grandi distanze degli antichi, e particolarmente di quelli di Tolomeo; n° 5, Dei tentativi fatti per discoprire la longitudine e la costruzione delle mostre per tale oggetto colla grande accuratezza a cui queste sono state ultimamente portate; n° 7, Notizie biografiche sopra Herschel; n° 8, Descrizione della costruzione e collocazione del telescopio di Herschel di quaranta piedi; n° 15, Dubbio tolto sull’aberrazione della luce; n° 16, Errore di fatto generalmente adottato sul flusso, e riflusso del mare.
Histoire des sciences mathématiques en Italie, depuis la renaissance des lettres jusqu’à la fin du dix-septème siècle.
4 vols. 8°, Paris, 1838-41.

Other editions:
4 vols. 8°, Stuttgart and Paris (some copies bear Halle), 1865.

= Jahrbücher der Literatur, LXXXVII, 1839 (by J. J. von Littrow). – J. J. VON LITTROW, Vermischte Schriften, III, 1846, 526.
Die Geschichte der reinen Mathematik in ihrer Beziehung zur Geschichte der Entwickelung des menschlichen Geistes.
8°, Stuttgardt, 1852.

Article from the “Neue Encuklopädie fur Wissenschaften und Kunste”.
Mathematische Beiträge zum Kulturleben der Völker.
8°, Halle, 1863; 4 pl.

Among other things, on p. 68, we find an account of the methods used by the pandits of southern India to calculate the positions of the planets, and on p. 228 the astronomy of Boethius.
= ZMP, his, VIII, 1863, 81.
Histoire des sciences mathématiques et physiques chez les Belges.
8°, Bruxelles, 1864.

= AdM, XLIV, 1865, Ber, 3. – Arc2, XXIV, 1863, 305 (by A. Gautier). – ZMP, his, XI, 1866, 29.
Sciences mathématiques et physiques chez les Belges au commencement du XIXe siècle.
8°, Bruxelles, 1867.

This work follows the previous one, but we will notice that the author no longer calls it Histoire des sciences, etc. “I have tried, he said, to prepare in advance documents which, later perhaps, could help to write it.”
= AdM, XLVI, 1866, Ber, 3. – Heidelberger Jahrb. der Literat., 1867, II, 834.
Die Entwickelung der Mathematik in den letzten Jahrhunderten.
8°, Tübingen, 1869.

Other editions:
8°, Tübingen, 1885 (some copies 1884); with a preface by P. Du Bois-Reymond.

= ZMP, his, XXX, 1885, 22 (by M. Cantor).
Geschichte der mathematischen Wissenschaften.
2 vols. 8°, Zürich, 1872-75; 4 pl.

Other editions:
8°, Züriich, 1873; reprint of vol. I only.

= BdB, V, 1872, 297 (by H. Hankel, transl. by P. Keller; vol. I only). – Bma1, VI, 1874, 14 (byJ. H[oüel]; vol. I only). – AdM, LIX, 1876, 24 (by H[oppe]; vol. II only). – ZMP, his, XXI, 1876, 65 (by S. Günther; the entire work).
Zur Geschichte der Mathematik im Alterthum und Mittelalter.
8°, Leipzig, 1874.

Posthumous work. – The astronomy of the Indians is p. 178-183; that of the Arabs, p. 223-293.
= Jahrbuch für die Fortschritte der Mathematik, VI, 1874 (by S. Günther). BdB, VIII, 1875, 185 (by P. Mansion; very complete analysis). – ZMP, his, XX, 1875, 27 (by M. Cantor). – Leipzig, Vjh, XI, 1876, 188 (by S. Günther).
Vermischte Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der mathematischen Wissenschaften.
8°, Leipzig, 1876; with 4 lithogr. pl.

This work is formed of eight separate “Abteilungen”. The first is a historical study of the constellations from ancient times to the present day; the sixth treats of the optics of the Arabs and their work in this branch of science; the seventh and eighth are concerned with clarifying some obscure points of Jewish astronomy in the Middle Ages. The invention of the pendulum is treated in detail.
= Leipzig, Vjh, XI, 1876, 222 (by R. Wolf). – Bma1, XI, 1876, 108 (by P. Mansion). – ZMP, his, XXI, 1876, 99 (by M. Cantor). – RAM, I, 1876, 168. – Venise, Att5, III, 1877, 913 (by A. Favaro).
Studien zur Geschichte der mathematischen und physikalischen Geographie.
6 Hfte 8°, Halle a. S., 1877-79.

Hfte 1 and 2 have the subtitle: Die Lehre von der Erdrundung und Erdbewegung im Mittelalter bei den Occidentalen; Hft 3: Aeltere und neuere Hypothesen über die chronische Versetzung des Erdschwerpunktes durch Wassermassen; Hft 4: Analyse einiger kosmographischer Codices der Münchener Hofund Staatsbibliothek; Hfte 5 and 6 deal with mathematical geography and pure physics.
= ZMP, his, XXII, 1877, 179; XXIV, 1879, 167 (by M. Cantor). – Venise, Att5, III, 1877, 913 (by A. Favaro). – Bma2, II, 1878, 410, 437; III, 1879, 73, 292, 329 (by H. Brocard). – Leipzig, Vjh, XIV, 1879, 68 (by A. Wittenstein). – RAM, II, 1879, 173, 402. – ZmU, X, 1879, 290 (by A. J. Pick).
Geschichte der Mathematik in Deutschland. Bd I.
8°, München, 1877.

Unfinished work.
= Leipzig, Vjh, XIV, 1879, 40 (by S. Günther).
Vorlesungen über Geschichte der Mathematik. Bd. I.
8°, Leipzig, 1880.

The work is to comprise 3 vols. and extend up to Lagrange. The first volume, the only one so far, stops at the year 1200 and contains the following chapters: Introduction; I. Egyptians; II. Babylonians; III. Greeks; IV. Romans; V. Hindus; VI. Chinese; VII. Arabs; VIII. Science in the cloisters in the Middle Ages.
= Leipzig, Vjh, XVII, 1881, 114 (by S. Günther).
Histoire des sciences mathématiques et physiques.
8* vols. 8°, Paris, 1883-86.
[*At the time Houzeau/Lancaster books were released, two volumes had yet to be published. But in total this work counts 12 vols.. Last 12th vol. published in 1888.]

Vol. I contains from Thales to Diophantus; vol. II, from Diophantus to Vietus; vol. III, from Vietus to Descartes; vol. IV, from Descartes to Huygens; vols. V and VI, from Huygens to Euler; vol. VII goes up to the end of the 17th century; vol. VIII, from Euler to Lagrange. Vols. IX and X will deal with Lagrange to Laplace, from Laplace to Fourier, from Fourier to Arago, from Arago to Abel and to contemporary geometers. The work is composed of a series of studies on the different mathematicians whose works are reviewed, on their discoveries and on the methods they employed.
= Bma2, VII, 1883, 325, IX, 1885, 58 (by C. Henry et E. Meyerson). – Rsc, XXXI, 1883, 563; XXXIII, 1884, 84, 759; XXXIV, 1884, 444. – NAM3, III, 1884, 51 (by E. Rouché). – JdS3, 1884, 289 (by J. Bertrand; only t. 1st). – ZMP, his, XXIX, 1884, 43, 180, XXX, 1885, 115 (by M. Cantor). – Deutsche Litteraturzeitung, V, 1884, 22 (by M. Curtze).