[Last update: 12 Feb. 2025.]
[Total entires: 889.]
[02/12/2025. Completed copying data from Houzeau/Lancaster book in “Greek astronomers” page.] Note: Not currently online.
[02/11/2025. Started working on “Greek astrnomers” page.]
[02/09/2025. Completed premilinary check of “Greek astronomers” entries in Houzeau/Lancaster work.]
[01/24/2025. Thumbnails added, data corrected.]
[01/21/2025. Thumbnails added, data corrected.]
[01/20/2025. Thumbnails added, data corrected, added entries number.]
[01/19/2025. Thumbnails added, data corrected.]
[01/18/2025. Thumbnails added, data corrected.]
[01/17/2025. Thumbnails added, data corrected.]
History of astronomy in general
Histories of mathematics containing the history of astronomy
Histories of discoveries and inventions containing astronomical discoveries and inventions
Bibliographies and catalogues of books on astronomy
Sources for the astronomy of primitive peoples
Astrolatry, myths, images, symbols
Astronomy of Egypt and Abyssinia
Astronomy of Chaldea, Assyria and ancient Persia
Astronomy of India and Java
Astronomy of China and Japan
History of ancient classic astronomy
Collection of historical works
Greek astronomers
Latin astronomers
Celestial maps
[This work takes place starting from the 3 Houzeau/Lancaster volumes:
Bibliographie Générale de l’Astronomie, Par J. C. HOUZEAU, Ancien Directeur de l’Observatoire Royal de Bruxelles et A. LANCASTER, Bibliothécaire de cet Établissement. Tome Premier. Ouvrages imprimés & manuscits. Première Partie., Bruxelles, F. Hayez Imprimeur de l’Académie Royale de Belgique, 1887, pp. VIII-1/858.
Bibliographie Générale de l’Astronomie, Par J. C. HOUZEAU, Ancien Directeur de l’Observatoire Royal de Bruxelles et A. LANCASTER, Bibliothécaire de cet Établissement. Tome Premier. Ouvrages imprimés & manuscits. Seconde Partie., Bruxelles, F. Hayez Imprimeur de l’Académie Royale de Belgique, 1889, pp. VIII-859/1623-CXX with 1 portrait.
Bibliographie Générale de l’Astronomie, ou Catalogue Méthodique des Ouvrages, des Memoires et des Observations astronomique publiés depuis l’origine de l’imprimerie jusqu’en 1880, Par J. C. HOUZEAU, Directeur de l’Observatoire Royal de Bruxelles et A. LANCASTER, Bibliothécaire de cet Établissement. Tome Second, Mémoires et Notices insérés dans les Collections académiques et les Revues., Bruxelles, Imprimerie Xavier Havermans, 1882, pp. LXXXIX-2225.
It will be a long-term work in progress. First, I’ll write down all content from the 3 volumes, then I’ll translate the text in english, then I’ll look for any digitized evidence of the books mentioned, embed a picture of the title page, correct, complete, update and add data. I’ve not included the many manuscripts mentioned in the 3 volumes, I’ll consider and list them separately later this year. Locations of books mentioned in the volumes are also not all included, since the work was published almost one-and-half century ago. For now I’ll stick to the 1880 term of H./L. books, then I’ll expand from that.]